Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 9th Thurs.

Today is Lori's birthday!! So last night we planned a special dance with our friend Sam. I'll just say she had an interesting morning. We got on the train at 9 and headed to Bern we arrived at about 11:30 and went and saw the world's largest Coocoo clock. Bern is the town where Eienstien lived and worked for a while and came up with the Theory of Relitivity. We had some time for lunch and got Kebab's for Lori's Birthday. Then met back up with the group and started our walk to the Natural History Museum which is created and directed by Claude Cahun. It was amazing!! I took a museum studies class last semester and the amazing things Claude has done with designing information, so that people can visually see and understand it, would have blown my professor away:) We talked to him about design and his career and he answered questions. It was like meeting a famous person which he is. Then we had free time we went to the street fair and Lori bout Aladin pants for her birthday:) They looked way cute! Then we got some Gelatto it was delicious. When we got back Dominique had us sing to Lori and she had candles on her flan:) After dinner we threw a dance party on the veranda for Lori quite a few people from the group came it was fun! There was a business meeting so some people couldn't come. Angela gave Kaitlyn and I an assignment about opportunity costs. We were trying to get Dr. Fawson to cancel or combined the meeting with our dance party. It didn't quite work:) We ended up finishing our flash mob which will be great once we finally do it! Later I was talk to Angela and Bob and we had some tea and talked about life. I love the opportunities I have to pick successful wonderful people's lives:) Bob and I walked Angela to where she was staying and I got to ask him about the program on the way home. Such a great night!

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